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Gathering Guide

Written By: Hakim

After hours, days and weeks of exploring and extensive field work, I’ve now decided to publish my first edition of the ‘Encyclopedia Botanica Myrlandiae’ showing and describing nearly all gatherable plants of Myrland as well as some of their alchemical features. I hope to improve my knowledge on most of these plants by more alchemical experiments to improve my descriptions of their properties. I’d like to send my thanks to my good friend and colleage Guryon who already did excelent research on the jungle plants of Myrland!

I hope my Encyclopedia will help you and all of Myrland to find new medicines to make this cruel continent a slightly better place. Enjoy!


Alium (Herb)
This cepa like plant grows mainly in moist regions with a rich fauna and grassy plains. It seems to be good for restoring all your lost reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Basileus (Herb)
The leafs of the basileus plant have a strong and aromatic scent. It can be found in warm regions near the ocean on sandy ground. This Herb seems to restore lost stamina reserves and help you regain mental reserves in a stronger way. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Dile (Herb)
This herb is quite common in grassy plains of medium temperatures. Like yellow cepa it seems to attract herbivore creatures like wisents. Although it is quite common it is hard to gather large quantities of usable material from it beacuse the plant is small and fragile. It seems to help in the restoraion of stamina and mental reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Drakon (Herb)
This rather rare plant is hard to obtain because it only grows in quite remote areas. It can be found in either medium or warm and moist areas. The plant grows very slow and only small quantities can be picked from the ground. The properties seem to be regenerative for your stamina and mental reserves. A healing property is possible but has yet to be verified. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Finol (Herb)
This herb can be found in hot and sunny regions on sandy ground near the ocean. It seems to be good to restore lost stamina and mental reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Gamun (Herb)
This herb with little white blossoms grows in hot sandy areas near the ocean. It seems to restore stamina and mental reserves. It’s hard to gather larger amounts of this plants because it is quite small. You seem to be able to extract more potent alchemical components out of this herb. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Salvia (Herb)
The Salvia plant is quite rare and grows in mountainious areas with scarce fauna. It’s healing properties seem to be very potent. Additionaly it seems to restore a lot of your mental reserves as well as some stamina reserves. You seem to be able to extract more potent alchemical substances from this herb. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Sea Dew (Herb)
The salty sea dew can be found in hot sandy regions directly at the oceanic shoreline. It seems to have healing properties and further more potent substances seem to be extractable. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Common Myrtus (Herb)
The common myrtus is a very common plant that can be found almost all over Myrland. It’s violet blossoms are easily identifiable. It seems to restore some of your mental and stamina reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Karuva (Herb)
This rare herb can be gathered on small trees in warm and moist jungle areas. It seems to have healing effects. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Trees and Shrubs

Wolfbrush (Shrub)
The wolfbrush is probably the most common plant in Myrland. You can find it almost all over the continent. Although usable plants with enough alcheminal substance cannot be gathered everywhere. It seems to help in the restoration of some stamina and mental reserves. It also seems to have a weak healing effect. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Grasses and Grains

Barley (Grain)
This common grain can be found in temperate climates on grassy plains. It is commonly cultivatet on farms for it’s flour. It restores your general reserves. Like most grains it restores your stamina reserves very well. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Corn (Grain)
This common plant can be found in temperate climates in rocky areas near a fresh water source like a river. It is cultivatet on farms for it’s flour. It restores your general reserves. Like most grains it restores your stamina reserves very well. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Oat (Grain)
This common grain can be found in temperate climates on grassy plains. It is commonly cultivatet on farms for it’s flour. It restores your general reserves. Like most grains it restores your stamina reserves very well. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Rice (Grain)

This common grain can be found in temperate moist climates on grassy plains and mountainious areas. It is commonly cultivatet on farms for it’s flour. It restores your general reserves. Like most grains it restores your stamina reserves very well. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Rye (Grain)
This common grain can be found in colder climates on grassy plains. It is commonly cultivatet on farms for it’s flour. It restores your general reserves. Like most grains it restores your stamina reserves very well. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Spelt (Grain)
This common grain can be found in warmer climates on sandy plains. It is commonly cultivatet on farms for it’s flour. It restores your general reserves. Like most grains it restores your stamina reserves very well. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Common Reedmace (Grass)
This interesting plant grows only in warm and moist areas directly besides fresh water sources. The plant as a whole is usable as a vegetable to restore your reserves but the shoots of it can be extracted for more potent alchemical substances. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Sawgrass (Grass)
This plant is quite common in colder mountainious areas with scarce fauna. It restores your reserves but be carefull! When ingested it will show poisonious effects. Handle with care! Further properties have yet to be explored.


Myrland Rose (Flower)
This popular flower is cultivated for decorative purposes in many cities, towns and villages. It seems to restore some of your stamina and mental reserves but ingestion is not advised because it has a poisonious effect on the human organism. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Common Vitis (Vine / Fruit)
Cultivated by tindremic nobility this popular plant grows grapes which can be used for making tindremic whine. It grows in warmer areas with sandy ground. It seems to restore your reserves and has some healing effects. When pressed you can extract a delicious vitis juice with some additional alchemical abilities. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Gherkin (Vine / Vegetable)
This very common vegetable can be found nearly all around the temperate regions of myrland. Also known as ‘wanderer’s bread’ it seems to restore your stamina and mental reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.


Elaiva (Fruit)
This popular fruit with a distinct non-sweet taste is commonly cultivated around tindremic cities in warmer areas with sandy ground. It seems to restore your reserves and has some healing effects. You can extract a very aromatic oil from it for additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Green Jamburra (Fruit)
This sour fruit can be picked of trees in very warm and moist jungle areas. It seems to restore some stamina reserves and mental reserves.When pressed you can extract a refreshing green jamburra juice for additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Red Jamburra (Fruit)
This sweet fruit can be picked from trees in warmer areas on sandy ground. It seems to restore some of your stamina and mental reserves and has some healing properties. You can press a delicious juice out of this fruit for additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Horn Pepper (Fruit)
This strange fruit can be gathered from shrubs in hot jungle areas. Be careful before ingesting! Although not poisonious it produces heat in the mouth and other body parts it comes in contact with! It seems to restore some stamina and mental reserves. You can extract the seeds which seem to hold the heat producing substance. I think you can grind the seeds to get a most potent substance for interesting alchemical purposes! Further properties have yet to be explored.

Capsicum (Fruit)
Similar to the horn pepper this milder variant is a delicious vegetable and can be found in hot jungle areas. It seems to restore some of your reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Malus Fruit (Fruit)
This is a common fruit in temperate areas which can be picked from trees on grassy ground. It seems to restore your reserves and has some healing effects. You can extract a refreshing juice from the fruit for some additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Pirum (Fruit)
Like the malus fruit the pirum can be picked from small trees in temperate and moist areas. It seems to restore your stamina and mental reserves. A delicious juice can be extracted from the fruit for some additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Muse Fruit (Fruit)
This fruit can be picked from palm trees in warm and moist jungle areas. It restores your reserves and seems to have some healing effects. You can extract a thick delicious juice from it for some additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Palm Fruit (Fruit)
These small berries can be gathered from small palm trees in moist and warm jungle areas. This fruit restores your reserves and seems to have healing effects. A useful oil can be extracted from these plants which can be used for additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.


Karoton (Vegetable)
This vegetable can be found in colder areas in stony ground. Like the yellow cepa and the alium the eadible part of this plant grows underground. It seems to have restorative properties for all your reserves. Other substances seem to be extractable from this plant. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Phasel Bean (Vegetable)
This plant grows mainly in hot areas on sandy ground near the shoreline. It seems to restore all your reserves but be careful with ingestion! It seems to have poisonious effects as well. Additional substances can be extracted from the beans. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Yellow Cepa (Vegetable)
This common plant can be found in most temperate regions of Myrland. The eadible part grows underground and is very aromatic. It seems to be the wisent’s favourite food and restores lost reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

White Cavolo (Vegetable)
I’ve found this vegetable on the market in Moh-Ki. My colleague Guryon told me that it can be found in the southern jungles of myrland. It seems to restore lost reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Wolf Peach (vegetable)
The red wolf peaches are very tasty vegetables which can be found in many temperate and warm areas around myrland growing on small shrubs on grassy ground. This plant seems to restore lost reserves and a juice can be extracted from it for additional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Special Ingredients

Brown Shorekelp (Algae)
This strange organism is plant like and grows underwater at most shorelines across myrland. Although it can’t be gathered everywhere for alchemical purposes. It seems to restore your health reserves. You seem to be able to extract more substances from it for addtional alchemical purposes. Further properties have yet to be explored.

Argus Sponge (Sponge)
This strange organism seems to be a hybrid between animal and plant. Zoologists describe it as a Parazoa of the Holozoa family. It grows underwater in jungle areas. It seems to be quite poisonious for the human organism. Handle with care! Further properties have yet to be explored.

Porcini Mushroom (Fungus)

This mushroom is the most common mushroom and Myrland and yet the only one of alchemical interest that I’ve found. It grows in urban areas and seems to restore your health reserves. Further properties have yet to be explored.
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