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Armor Crafting Guide

Written By: Golgotha

Table of Contents

1.0 Armour Crafting, and You
----1.1 Armour Crafting Skill List
2.0 Armour Descriptions
----2.1 Soft Armours
----2.2 Medium Armours
----2.3 Heavy Armours
3.0 Support Materials
4.0 Material Lores
5.0 Armour Crafting and Primary Skills


Armour Crafting, and You.

As any other craft, armour crafting takes time to be able to make the best. There is a large investment into material lores and armour skills before you generally can use the craft to make money with.

Your focus for stats should be Intelligence (skills), strength (carrying stacks, and plate skills), and dexterity (skills) to get the most out of your skill points. The Oghmir races generally suit the crafting roles the best due to their strength and intelligence caps.

In starting, you will be making robes. Use cotton for this from the vendor. You can grind up robes to get the skill of soft armours and into Khurite Scout. Again, I would use cotton here, but it is dependent on how you are generating cash in the start I guess. If you have leather around from pigs, use that. If there is fur from rabbits, use that. You do need to build up a lot of lores, so it doesn't hurt to work on them as well. Though, if you do have the cash for the books, it will bring your skill to 81 (110 Int) without the need to use up any of your materials. Tit for tat...

Padded is an armour which is harder to skill up from the start, unless you have a supply of keeled scales at your disposal. Though, if you raise your soft armours high enough to get laminated, you will need that keeled scale anyhow to grind up your laminated armours.

For keeled head towards the jungle for hunter lizards. Easy kill and every 10 000 stack gives you over 1300 keeled scale.

Once you can reach Lamellar in your laminated armours it gets easier again. You can now use wood to grind up. That's right, wood. Nice and cheap. This goes for plate as well.

When getting into platemail armours, be warned that it will cost 20g. You need to buy the Plate Armours book and the Tindremic Plate book to start making any armour from this group. They cost 10g each.


Armour Crafting (P, Int)

-----Heavy Robe (S, Int&Dex)

-----Soft Armour (P, Int) R: Armour Crafting 10

----------Kallardian Padded (S, Int&Dex) R: Soft Armours 40

----------Khurite Scout (S, Int&Dex)

----------Cultist Armour (S) R: Soft Armours 40

-----------Bediai Armour (S) R: Soft Armours 60

-----------Dall Roba (S) R: Soft Armours 40

----------Laminated Armour s (P, Int) R: Soft Armours 50

---------------Khurite Splint (S, Int&Dex) R: Laminated Armours 20

---------------Sarducaan Guard (S) R: Laminated Armours 40

---------------Tindremic Scale (S, Int&Dex)

---------------Kallardian Lamellar (S, Int&Dex) R: Laminated Armours 40

---------------Expilator Armour (S, Int&Dex)

---------------Plate Armours (P, Int) R: Laminated Armours 40

--------------------Tindremic Plate (S, Int&Str)

--------------------Draconigena Plate (S, Int&Str) R: Laminated Armours 50

--------------------Direptor Armour (S, Int&Str)

--------------------Tindremic Guard (S, Int&Str)

--------------------Varborgian Armour (S) R: Plate Armours 60

--------------------Stadius Armatus (S) R: Plate Armours 60

--------------------Thursar Plate (S) R: Plate Armours 60


Armour Descriptions


Soft Armours

Heavy Robes
Khurite Scout
Cultist Armour
Dall Roba
Bediai Armour

Materials: Cotton, Wool, Ironwool, Silk, Ironsilk, Ground Fur, Guard Fur, Iron Fur, Brained Leather, Quality Leather, Fullgrain Leather, Leptoid Scale, Placoid Scale, Iron Hide, Skin

These sets differ from all the other set in the fact that there are less items per full set than the rest. Robes lacks the gloves, boots, and shoulders. The scout set does not have any shoulders. So they are a five piece and an eight piece set, respectively.

The sets are limited in their material lores to textiles, furs, leathers, and a small selection of scale. These armours do not have a huge effect on damage mitigation, though an excellent place to start, and to get your name known to others who are starting out by supplying them with the lower tier of armours at a very low cost to yourself.


Medium Armours

Kallardian Padded - Padded can make nice light sets or armour. As well, when needing to reduce some weight in your heavier medium armour sets, you can sub some pieces in with padded to help drop the weight. (Actually a soft armour set, but it uses Laminated Armour materials)

Tindremic Scale - Scale is a good balance of weight management and protection from a medium set.

Khurite Splint - Splint is the heavier sets from the medium armours. Gives nice damage mitigation, while not being overbearing in weight, when designed properly. Can also be made very heavy and protective with the use of dense support materials.

Expilator Armour - similar to Sarducaan in most ways. Good mitigation and light weight.

Sarducaan Guard Armour - Sarducaan is a very light armour set, and is often used for hybrids or free to play players. Can be made out of heavier materials and still kept light.

Materials: Boiled Leather, Ganoid Scale, Keeled Scale, Horned Scale, Plate Scale

In my guide, medium armours is denoted by the materials they use. Why I mention this, is that I place Lamellar in Heavy Armours even though it is lighter than the Splint.

Medium armour sets can be seen in mages and Hybrids for PvP sets made from Padded using strong scale torsos, to combos of splint and scale using the horned and plate scale for hunters and warriors. There is a lot of room for customization within medium armours and support materials.


Heavy Armours

Kallardian Lamellar - The lightest of this type of armour. Can use some of the heavier animal materials without getting too heavy

Direptor Armour - Good weight, can get quite heavy depending on material

Tindremic Plate - The starter set of plate you can learn. Good mitigation, but can be quite beefy to carry around

Draconigena Plate - Good mitigation, and lighter than Tindremic.

Tindremic Guard Armour - Good mitigation, similar to direptor 

Thursar Plate - A heavier type of plate, with decent mitigation

Varborgian Plate - moderate weight, with good mitigation. A rare set because of the price of the book

Stadius Armatus - moderately light weight, similar to direptor 

Materials: Woods, Bone tissue, Ironbone, Emalj, Molarium, Incisium, Horn, Compact Horn, Crepite, Dense Crepite, Flakestone, Maalite, Jaedite, Nyx, Keeled, Horned, PlateScale, Aabam, Bleck, Bron, Cuprum, Messing, Tindremic Messing, Gold, Silver, Electrum, Skaadite, Pig Iron, Grain Steel, Steel, Tunsteel, Oghmium, Cronite

These armours are where the highest mitigation for damage will come in. The materials you can use in these armours can provide more protection than the scales which medium armours are limited to. This though, is usually in exchange for extra weight added into each piece with the higher density material.

When it comes to material choices for heavy armours, I generally steered away from the scales. They do good mitigation for the weight, but are very expensive in comparison to its other animal material counterparts. Emalj would be situated between Horned Scale and Plate Scale for mitigation. In dental though there is also molarium and incisium. Once you hit those you are passing the mitigation that the scales can provide. The weight of the armours will grow here as well though. Bone Tissue and Ironbone can provide good protection as well. Ironbone is a good match for platescale.

For the specialty shopper, Flakestone can make a nice set. The weight will be plate scale / ironbone weights, and will give around the same mitigation. The sets look cool though, shiny and black. Nyx can make stronger armour than flakestone, but not by much, and the price jump for one set would not compare the difference in damage. Be warned about petrology materials though, they have never had that great of a durability.

Metals are where the heaviest hitters make their sets from. Most Higher End PvP sets utilize metals and Heavy Armour Training.


Support Materials

All armour crafted in Mortal uses a support material to give backing and hold stuff together. This material affects damage mitigation, weight and durability of your crafted pieces. There are a few main groups of support materials, though the extreemes add much weight, or have almost no effect at all. Support materials have a slider bar when crafting, which only has two real settings: low density and high density.

Silk / IronSilk - Found from the spiders around Nave, ironsilk coming only from the queen. They are light and add good mitigation to slash and pierce attacks.

Wool / Ironwool - Wolves and wisents are good sources for these support materials. These add greatly to the bashing protection of your armors. More Common than the silks, and denser.

Guard Fur / Ground Fur / Iron Fur- These are the all around good support mat for slash/pierce/bash mitigation. They are heavier than both the wools and silks though.

Other - The leathers and cotton can be used as support materials. Cotton is great to use when grinding up skills due to how cheap it is. The leathers give okay mitigation, but are VERY heavy to use as support. Not near as good as the other groups for what they each specialize in for how much they weigh.


Material Lores and Armour Crafting

When it comes to material lores, an armour crafter will have the most out of any form of crafter when fully decked out. Textiles in the support materials and soft armours, scales for medium and heavy, and into many animal materials, metals, and petrology mats in heavy armours.

Here is a list of skills, and how they come into play for an armour crafter...

Material Lore (S, Int)
-----Textile Lore (P, Int) Either for plain clothing in robes, or as support materials
----------Ironsilk (S, Int)
----------Silk (S, Int)
----------Wool (S, Int) also has Fur Lore as a parent
----------Ironwool (S, Int) also has Fur Lore as a parent
----------Cotton (S, Int)
-----Animal Materials (P, Int) The basis for most armours in game
----------Dental Lore (S, Int)
---------------Emalj (S, Int)
---------------Molarium (S, Int)
---------------Incisium (S, Int)
----------Skeletal Lore (P, Int)
---------------Bone Tissue (S, Int)
---------------Ironbone (S, Int)
----------Scales Lore (P, Int)
---------------Keeled Scale (S, Int)
---------------Horned Scale (S, Int)
---------------Plate Scale (S, Int)
---------------Leptoid Scale (S, Int)
---------------Placoid Scale (S, Int)
---------------Ganoid Scale (S, Int)
---------------Panzar Scale (S, Int)
----------Mammel Skin Lore (P, Int)
---------------Fur Lore (S, Int)
--------------------Guard Fur (S, Int)
--------------------Ground Fur (S, Int)
--------------------Wool (S, Int) also has Textile Lore as a parent
--------------------Ironwool (S, Int) also has Textile Lore as a parent
---------------Leather Lore (S, Int)
-------------------Fullgrain Leather (S, Int)
-------------------Quality Leather (S, Int)
-------------------Boiled Leather (S, Int)
-------------------Brained Leather (S, Int)
-----Petrology (P, Int) Flakestone is the only real good material here in wt. vs. mitigation
----------Sedimentary (S, Int)
---------------Flakestone (S, Int)
-----Metallurgy (P, Int) With the introduction of Heavy Armour skills, metals have become quite vaible at times when you can support the weights.


Armour Crafting and Primary Skills

Here is a quick list with all the primary skills that "can" be used in armoursmithing.

Soft Armours
Laminated Armours
Plate Armours
Textile Lore
Animal Materials
Skeletal Lore
Scale Lore
Mammel Skin Lore
Master Alloys (For cronite and Oghmium)
Advanced Metals (For cronite and Oghmium)
Dendrology (You can, but probably won't... unless your grinding up plate, but then lock it low... unless your into shields)
Advanced Dendrology (You can, but probably won't...)
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