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  • Beginner Questions

    • What is Mortal Online?
    • Mortal Online is a first-person MMORPG in a fantasy setting. There are no PvP zones, only an open realistic world where you are free to choose your own path. Experience true real-time combat where you decide every move your character makes and where your personal skill really matters. Build your own house, or set up a guild to build a keep. With enough power, violence or diplomacy, you and your allies will be able to rule an entire nation.

    • Is there 3rd person?
    • No, this game is 100% 1st person. However you can press P to view your character

    • If I die do I lose everything?
    • You keep your worn shortsword and starting robes. Everything else drops on the floor and could be stolen by other players.

    • Is there an in game map?
    • There is no map from the user interface. The best way to find your way around is using the map website

    • How do I skin a carcass?
    • Press L and find the Butchery skill. Drag and drop it to your hotbar. Open your inventory with the i key and use the hotkey from your hotbar. Drag and drop the carcass into the menu, and click extract. A timer will show up on the bottom right of your screen, usually only lasts a few seconds until you finish chopping the carcass up.

    • What are health/stamina reserves?
    • MO essentially has an injury system. When you take damage, you lose not only regular HP but also reserve hitpoints. Eventually, your reserve bars will run out and your health/stamina/mana bars will start to grey out, and you effectively have less of each to use. To gain reserves back, eat well cooked food and sleep. Sleeping completely restores all of your grey bar, but your character cannot be hungry to do it. Eating food when your health reserves are full will add to your weight.

    • How do I join a guild?
    • Find other players who are looking for new members. They can send you an invitation. Guild members have a green font on their names, but you can still damage them! The best way to find a recruiting guild is by checking the official forums or posting there yourself.

    • How do I pick my class?
    • MO has a lot more variety than most games. You don't click what Class you want to be, you Create a character based on what you want that character to be. Most people create their characters depending on their Attribute Caps.

    • What is this GY I keep hearing about?
    • GY stands for graveyard, most towns have them. A new player can easily make money here and train skills when starting out.

    • How to call guards on a red or grey?
    • In /say or /yell you simply type guards while inside of a guardzone. The nearby guards will respond to your calls. Sometimes the guards even notice the red or grey before you get a chance to call the guards.

    • How do I get items and gear?
    • One of the best ways to acquire stuff is to buy it from other players. There is an NPC called a Trade Broker in every city and sometimes in player built cities. Talk to him and an interface will appear and you will see everything that is being sold.

    • Are banks local?
    • Yes. Most cities have 1 bank system. To move these items to other cities you physically have to transport them.

    • Is there fast travel?
    • Absolutely no fast travel when alive, however when you are dead you may teleport to the nearest priest by pressing P and clicking the button.

    • Where do I get more basic swords and pickaxes?
    • Utility vendors sell your standard worn shortswords and pickaxes. Arx Meridius has some extra weapons that he will trade for undead heads.

    • I died, what now?
    • You can either look for the large red pillars of light in the sky, and float to the nearest priest. Or press P and click teleport to nearest priest. From there you can return to the living world and go back to pickup your loot.

    • I keep getting killed by PKers! What do I do?
    • Make friends or join a guild. This is a hardcore PvP game. Either fight back or move to a safer area.

    • Any top tips?
    • Put your intitial attribute points into INT so you can read books faster at the start. Always carry money in silver coins, as gold coins are much easier for thieves to steal. Buy the anatomy skill from any library for 250s, this will let you use bandages (bought from utility vendors) to heal yourself. With the skill they can heal upto 50hp and can be used while moving - making them the most common way to heal in Mortal Online.


      PVE combat only requires you to block at the right time to parry, but PVP combat requires the right timing and direction. There are 3 directions for attack and blocking - getting fast at parrying is the first step to success. Finally, Mortal Online is best experienced as part of a guild or group of friends - new players are advised to join one asap.

    • Where can I get more information about playing?
    • There is a help menu in game with useful tips. Press "H" at any time to bring it up. All new players are given temporary access to the Help Chat, which is the only global chat that exists in Mortal Online. Speak in /h to get help from your fellow adventurers. There is also the Nobleman's Wisdom section of the forums for helpful guides, the the Commoner's Questions section is a great place to post questions or issues about game play you need help with.

  • General Questions

    • Do books read while I am offline? Where do I see if I'm reading a book?
    • Yes, they read while offline. You see what book you are reading on the bottom right part of the screen. It tells you how long you have left on the book, and you can right click it to cancel reading the book. Reading times can be sped up by learning the reading skill, the skimming skill, and having a higher intelligence level.

    • How do I feed my pet?
    • Hit 'K' to open your pet menu, click on the pet you wish to feed, and then drag appropriate food into the box at the bottom, that says "Drag food here to feed your pet".

    • Is there a way to auto run?
    • Yes. Press num-lock (by default) to toggle auto run mode.

    • How do I see the damage I'm doing to other players?
    • There is a skill called damage assessment that lets you see this value. The higher the skill level the more accurate the reading will be

    • Can I start in a city other than Tindrem or Morin Khur?
    • Yes, only not with the first character you make on an account. You may also choose to spawn in guild cities or out in the wilds!

    • How do I build a house?
    • To receive, build and pay taxs for a house you must first be subscribed. Then, with at least 20 in house construction you can walk around the world with the house deed and search for a house spot. A ghost of the house will appear when there is a spot and you can press R to place it. From here you simply fill the chest with materials and complete the building.

    • How do I create a guild?
    • To create a guild, you first need a house to act as a base. You then simply right click on a guild stone while inside the house and the guild will be created. You can press R on the newly created guild stone to set the name and tag for your new guild.

    • What penalties are there for being red?
    • A red murderer has various penalties for being red. First of, they cannot use any normal blue npc towns as the guards will chase them off. In addition to this, most reds also have statloss which is a separate timer that counts down twice as fast. With statloss, if you res at a normal priest you will lose 10% of all attributes and must build them back up. However guilds may buy a guild priest which lets members res without any statloss, but these are time limited.

    • How do I use all 100 slots in my bank?
    • You must make use of bags to use all your bank slots. The bag vendor can be found in all large cities, the one in Tindrem is on a roof near the fountain.

    • How can I sell my stuff?
    • Any npc will buy non crafted items for gold, some will buy them off you in exhchange for books and weapons. However the majority of trading is done player to player, which can be through COD mail, face to face trades or on the trade broker. One of the best ways to sell stuff on the trade broker is to look up buy order listings, you can fill an order partially and receive money instantly.

    • How do I parry and take less damage?
    • Get better armor, raise your defensive skills and parry attacks. Parrying PVE attacks is done simply by blocking at the right time. However you can also parry PVP attacks by blocking in the right directions. Mortal Online has a directional combat system with 3 directions for attack and block. Getting fast at blocking the right way is one of the first steps to learning how to handle yourself.

    • Can I build around my guildstone even if it’s placed in a territory owned by a keep?
    • Yes you can. Both you and the owners of the territory are allowed to build there.

    • How do I become a thief?
    • To actively thief from other players you must be premium status and have the thievery, snooping and pilfering skills. Most large towns have a shady vendor in a dark place and the thievery books can all be bought from there. Click the snooping skill while targetting a player to open their inventory, from here you can right click an item you want to steal. Lighter items are easier!

    • How do I lockpick chests? Can I lockpick on F2P?
    • Lockpicking is inside the thievery skills but can be used while f2p status. Simply read the thievery books first then purchase a lockpicking book from a player - or find the vendors who sell it yourself. Target a chest and right click your lockpicks, then line up the pins in a mini game to unlock the chest! Lockpicking is one of the easiest ways to make money, especially on a f2p.

    • Whats the difference between F2P and Premium status?
    • Mortal Online can happily be played and explored as a F2P player - but to get the most out of the game and be more competitive you should subscribe. Premium players' skills are limited to 100, whereas Free players are limited to 60. Note that attributes are not capped, only skills. Premium players can also thieve from other players and own houses.

  • Technical Questions

    • How many servers does Mortal Online have, and where are they located?
    • Mortal Online is a persistent, online MMORPG with one global server that is based in France. The game is created in and operated/supported in English only.

    • What type of business model does Mortal Online use?
    • Mortal Online is a limited Free to Play model with unlimited time. Certain things are restricted to Free to Play accounts (certain valuable items, house ownership and the Thieving skills), and the maximum skill points you can utilize is 60 per skill. Premium accounts can get the full 100 points in any skill, and have no other such restrictions.

    • What are the system requirements?
    • Requirements: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz or equivalent CPU: Intel 4 core or better. RAM: 3GB RAM: 16Gb VGA: newer one Video memory: 512MB or 1GB OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 OS: Windows 7 64 bit HDD: 25GB HDD: 30GB

    • Why will the game not launch?
    • First please be aware of the system requirements. Mortal Online will not run on a 32 bit copy of Windows. Next, make sure your antivirus and anti-malware software programs are disabled for the installation of the game. When the game prompts you to install the Unreal 3 Redistributable, allow it to run. This contains important files for your PC to run our game. Net framework is the most important one.

    • I copied the game to my other computer but it doesn't work?
    • Mortal Online can not be installed by copying over from an old install or another PC. It will block your computer from logging in. If you need to reinstall, you need to do a full, fresh install from an install source such as Steam, our Torrent, or the original install file from our website. A typical error message for this will be bad password or could not verify the account.

    • The launcher isn't working properly?
    • The launcher is very web/browser based and as such, relies on a lot of resources from Windows. Issues such as bad or missing system files or bad/wrong/missing Windows Registry entries can affect it. Malware and virus infections have been known to disable it. Although you want to temporarily disable virus and malware scanners when you install the game, it is critical that your PC have this software and that it be regularly run and updated.

    • What is the best way to download the game?
    • The easiest way to download Mortal Online is through steam. However the full torrent of the game is also available from the homepage.

    • What is the Fade between LODs setting in the launcher?
    • Means the LODs fades instead of insta switch, it adds some instructions on the material to do this smoother better looking change instead of a "plop" change. The cost should be minimal impact performance wise. But we added an option to be on the safe side.

    • What is the Time Transition setting in the launcher?
    • This is how often the sun/weather should update on your client visually to give a more realistic day/night transition. However we found out this real time change is quite expensive, so we have from it ticks every 30min or so, to every second which may lower the fps quite a bit on some clients.

    • What is the Avatar Streaming setting in the launcher?
    • This is how many avatars per tick your client should load character data. If loading to many in the same tick it could cause big lag on your computer, in which we added an option for you to find a proper streaming for your client. Since its raw computer power and it takes a few at the time closest to you on low setting. To as many as possible all over your area.

    • What is the Mount Physics setting in the launcher?
    • This is how much physics should be calculated on mounts near you. For instance tail/rag goll things like that. If you have this on 1, you will see 2 horses close to you one get a static tail while the other is phys.

    • What is the Max Physics Actors setting in the launcher?
    • Similar to Mount Physics but applied to the physic items in-game, such as capes.

    • How do I view my FPS in-game?
    • If you type /fps into chat while in-game you will see your framerate displayed in the upper right hand corner of your screen. If the rate displayed is green in color your setting will be adequate. If its yellow and turns to red when populated scene, then traces and phys calculations could be in trouble and you should adjust your settings. The biggest impact to FPS is shadows and window resolution, in most cases. Lowering these (and other) settings may help with your framerate.

  • Support Questions

    • Help! I'm stuck.
    • The first thing you should try it is type in /stuck. If that doesn't work, press the escape key and then click on the support button and a live GM will assist you.

    • I need help. How can I contact support?
    • To open a support petition, please hit Escape, and click on Support. Select the most appropriate category, and put a description of your problem in the text box and click on Submit. Unlike other MMO's out there, your petition will be responded to by a real life person who will speak with you about your problem. We do not use bots, or make you wait potentially days for a generic Email response. As such, some petitions can become quite time consuming, increasing the general wait time for a response. We thank for your patience in this matter. As a reminder, please reply to support staff with a reply whisper (/r command).

    • I have a question about how the game works. Can you tell me the answer?
    • In game support staff may not reveal game hints, tips, or secrets. A large part of Mortal Online is discovery and experimentation. Staff cannot reveal this type of information

    • Help! An item in my inventory has just vanished
    • Depending on the item, this can be a bad situation. Here are some things to help you avoid trouble. 1) * If it’s a valuable item or gold, we advise you to log out and open a petition on another character, so that the character with the hidden item remains safe, if you are not in a area where you feel safe to remain. 2) * Stackable items which are already invisible will take the same items brought into the inventory and add them to the invisible stack. We see this the most when an a player has an invisible gold pile, and sells items to a vendor, then thinks the vendor did not pay them their gold. 3) * Dying will cause the invisible items to fall into your lootbag. If you are in a safe area, and certain you will not be looted you can use the Suicide option, resurrect, and loot yourself. 4) * As of the writing of this FAQ, we are currently aware that node-swapping can in some instances cause items recently taken from a chest to go invisible. We see this most with pickaxes.

    • How can I get Help Other Than GM’s
    • Players can always use our out of game support to help with account or billing issues , remember that the out of game support is the final word on all issues, they can not be appealed by anyone. to reach them please go to

    • Why does the GM not reply when I whisper them?
    • Support staff can only see messages from players when they have a petition open and that GM/Counselor has claimed the ticket. It looks like the whispers will have gone through, but the staff member cannot see them without an open, claimed petition.

    • I am totally lost can you teleport me back?
    • We do not teleport players unless they are stuck and unable to move. Players must rely on help from others in order to discover their way through the game world.

    • I want to change my house ownership to another character on my account.
    • This is not an issue for which we can provide support, as it has a “player solution”. The house will need to be transferred to a trusted friend or guild mate, who would then trade it back to the character you wish.

    • Help! I’ve died and can’t find where I was to loot myself
    • This is an issue for which we are unable to provide support. A player is responsible for finding their own loot bags, even if they are in a dangerous spot and could not be reached while wearing no gear. If a loot bag is found and is unlootable, or “out of range” when you try to loot it, please submit a petition. This is a time sensitive situation, as lootbags with more than two items only last for 30 minutes in the game. Please note that deliberately jumping from great heights in order to avoid being looted by another player does not qualify for having a lootbag summoned. Even if it is out of range, it will be forfeit.

    • I’ve just witnessed someone cheating. Please ban him!
    • If you witness a player that you believe to be hacking, cheating, or breaking game rules, please open an “Exploitation” petition, and be as descriptive as possible. Naming the potential cheater may be crucial, so please try to include the player’s name (remember case-sensitivity of names). Exploitation petitions are thoroughly investigated and while we cannot discuss actions taken against another player’s account, appropriate action will be taken if someone is discovered to be cheating or breaking game rules. Actions taken may include a verbal warning, kick from the game server, temporary suspension or permanent ban from Mortal Online.

    • I am being harassed by another player. What do I do?
    • If you feel you are being harassed, please open a Harassment petition and a member of staff will handle the situation. Please be aware though that Mortal Online is a Mature game, and things such as trash talking, general insults, and cursing are acceptable. What is NOT acceptable, however, is racial or homophobic slurs, hate speech, religion bashing, sexist remarks or real life threats. Also please be aware that a player killing you, even if it’s repeatedly, is not considered harassment. All harassment claims are investigated and taken very seriously. Using the F10 key to take a screenshot may help facilitate an investigation by staff, when it is possible to do so.

    • I need billing/account support or information on a ban
    • For high level support queries you can make a ticket at the support website
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